Peter Butcher Acupuncture Newport, Cardiff and Chepstow

Acupuncture regards pain and illness, whether physical, mental or emotional to be a sign that the body’s energy (Qi) is out of balance. Traditional acupuncture is holistic and not focused on isolated symptoms. It is based on Chinese medicine principles that have been developed, researched and refined over 2,500 years.

By nourishing, unblocking and re-balancing the flow of energy (Qi), we help to restore the body’s ability to function normally and to heal itself naturally.

Having trained extensively in both Five Element and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the two most common styles of acupuncture, my approach is a combination of these two methods. This ensures that each patient receives the maximum benefit from their treatment.

I have a special interest in helping couples who are trying for a baby but are struggling to conceive for whatever reason. I have extensive knowledge in this field gained through many years of experience and also attending specialist Seminars and workshops focused on Infertility/IVF treatment.

In 2011 I also qualified as an NLP Practitioner. This helps me work with patients on an added level, to recognise and change any unhelpful patterns which may be the cause of their stress.The combination of these two very complimentary approaches can be extremely powerful in effecting change in symptom, giving patients control over their condition. I am particularly interested in helping people suffering with Anxiety for which this combination is particularly powerful.

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